Kae Schreiber-Intuitive Medium (760)992-9197

Hello, Thank you for taking a look at my web page. I appreciate it and hope I will be able to be of service. I ask Spirit and my team as well as your angels, guides, loved ones to provide clear, specific messages that make sense and give us a direction forward, with clarity, healing, wisdom, guidance and LOVE.
I am an INTUITIVE, MEDIUM, PALMIST, SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR. I have been using my spiritual gifts of spirit for the past twenty years professionally and for many years before.
In a reading I ask Spirit to guide me with love, wisdom and profound healing in accessing your Auric Energy Field, subconscious, soul, higher self, reading the energy around Love, Relationships, Career, Business, Finance, Health, your Spiritual Purpose and what else is going on in your life. The reading will give you CLARITY, SPECIFIC DIRECTION, UNDERSTANDING,INSPIRATION, PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS, HOPE,HEALING and LOVE. I strive to answer all your questions as I am directed by Spirit. I either "SEE, HEAR or FEEL" the energy and I tell you what I receive. I ask Spirit "Please let me say what must be said and let me say it with love for their highest good".
As a Medium I feel I am a conduit of energy where I tap into your heart connection with your loved ones in spirit. If you imagine a filament of light from your heart to theirs, containing all the WISDOM, LOVE, THOUGHTS and MEMORIES of this person, that is the frequency I access. The stronger the heart connection, the more information comes through. It acts as a confirmation that you aren't alone, that they are definitely okay now after having released all pain, struggle and their love will continue to guide you. They also give advice based on your questions but the cardinal rule of the spirit world is that they NEVER interfere with your FREE WILL. They communicate to me in a language they know you will understand.
This works best when you know inside you are ready to let go of unhealthy relationships, people, low self-esteem, hiding your light, anything that is keeping you from living up to your highest potential given by your Creator. At this time we know something must change, and we have more energy to expend toward resolution. We don't have to change the people around us, just see them with the new eyes of awareness. We reclaim our power to decide our future.
I call on Spirit offering sincere guidance to sincere seekers, bringing the highest vibration energy to our time together. I send Love and Light your way as the Angels bless you on your path today.I surround our sacred space with Protection, Courage, LOVE, and Healing. I bring the power of POSITIVE ENERGY to our session. My readings are healing, positive, uplifting and respectful. For testimonials about accuracy, see my page on testimonials. I really do appreciate it when you give a review. It helps me know I am being of service when you tell me your experience. I live in Palm Springs, California and I work with English speaking clients all over the world by telephone or when you are in town, in person. Talk with you soon. Kae
I am available for Corporate Retreats, private consultations, parties, events and telephone readings. Call for a free quote. My office telephone is (760)992-9197 or (619) 957-6605(c). I am an ordained minister with Universal Life Church. Thanks.
I am an INTUITIVE, MEDIUM, PALMIST, SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR. I have been using my spiritual gifts of spirit for the past twenty years professionally and for many years before.
In a reading I ask Spirit to guide me with love, wisdom and profound healing in accessing your Auric Energy Field, subconscious, soul, higher self, reading the energy around Love, Relationships, Career, Business, Finance, Health, your Spiritual Purpose and what else is going on in your life. The reading will give you CLARITY, SPECIFIC DIRECTION, UNDERSTANDING,INSPIRATION, PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS, HOPE,HEALING and LOVE. I strive to answer all your questions as I am directed by Spirit. I either "SEE, HEAR or FEEL" the energy and I tell you what I receive. I ask Spirit "Please let me say what must be said and let me say it with love for their highest good".
As a Medium I feel I am a conduit of energy where I tap into your heart connection with your loved ones in spirit. If you imagine a filament of light from your heart to theirs, containing all the WISDOM, LOVE, THOUGHTS and MEMORIES of this person, that is the frequency I access. The stronger the heart connection, the more information comes through. It acts as a confirmation that you aren't alone, that they are definitely okay now after having released all pain, struggle and their love will continue to guide you. They also give advice based on your questions but the cardinal rule of the spirit world is that they NEVER interfere with your FREE WILL. They communicate to me in a language they know you will understand.
This works best when you know inside you are ready to let go of unhealthy relationships, people, low self-esteem, hiding your light, anything that is keeping you from living up to your highest potential given by your Creator. At this time we know something must change, and we have more energy to expend toward resolution. We don't have to change the people around us, just see them with the new eyes of awareness. We reclaim our power to decide our future.
I call on Spirit offering sincere guidance to sincere seekers, bringing the highest vibration energy to our time together. I send Love and Light your way as the Angels bless you on your path today.I surround our sacred space with Protection, Courage, LOVE, and Healing. I bring the power of POSITIVE ENERGY to our session. My readings are healing, positive, uplifting and respectful. For testimonials about accuracy, see my page on testimonials. I really do appreciate it when you give a review. It helps me know I am being of service when you tell me your experience. I live in Palm Springs, California and I work with English speaking clients all over the world by telephone or when you are in town, in person. Talk with you soon. Kae
I am available for Corporate Retreats, private consultations, parties, events and telephone readings. Call for a free quote. My office telephone is (760)992-9197 or (619) 957-6605(c). I am an ordained minister with Universal Life Church. Thanks.